====== Virtual Server Request Form ======
fieldset "Virtual server variant" select "Server variant" "VM-custom (custom configurations) | VM-A (1xCPU, 2GB RAM, 15GB HDD)| VM-B (2xCPU, 4GB RAM, 30GB HDD)| VM-C (2xCPU, 8GB RAM, 60GB HDD)| VM-D (4xCPU, 16GB RAM, 120GB HDD)" static "Items marked with an asterisk *) are mandatory." fieldset "Custom variant" "Server variant" "VM-custom (custom configurations)" number "Number of CPUs" >0 <32 number "RAM size [GB]" >0 <64 number "Disk size [GB]" >0 <1024 fieldset "Technical contact (server administrator)" textbox "Name" "=@NAME@" textbox "Phone Number" ! email "E-Mail admin" "=@MAIL@" @@ static "Your address will be added to the virtualization platform user mailing list. This information channel is used to report scheduled maintenance, outages or security threats." fieldset "Virtual server configuration" select "Operating system" "Debian-12 (Bookworm) x64 | Debian-11 (Bullseye) x64 | Debian-10 (Buster) x64 | Debian-9 (Stretch) x64 | RockyLinux 9 x64 | CentOS-9 (stream) x64 | CentOS-8 (stream) x64 | CentOS-7 x64 | CentOS-6 x64 | RedHat-9 x64 | RedHat-8 x64 | RedHat-7 x64 | Ubuntu 24.04 x64 | Ubuntu 22.04 x64 | Ubuntu 20.04 x64 | Windows Server 2019 x64 | Windows Server 2016 x64 | Windows Server 2022 x64 | other" Textbox "Hostname" "= .vm.cesnet.cz" static "The virtual server is assigned 1x IPv4 and 1x IPv6 address from the reserved range. The second and additional IPv4 address is charged. If you need to connect the server to a different or custom subnet, select the ""request custom addresses"" option and justify the request." select "IP address" "assign IPv4 and IPv6 addresses by the virtualization administrator | request custom addresses" "=assign IPv4 and IPv6 addresses by the virtualization administrator" select "I prefer datacenter to run virtual server" "no preference | Prague | Brno" "=no preference" fieldset "Custom IP address" "IP address" "request custom addresses" textbox "IP/mask/GW" ! textbox "VLAN ID" ! textarea "Justification for the specific IP address." x4 fieldset "Operating System Specification" "Operating system" "other" textarea "Specify the desired operating system. Ideally insert a link to download the installation files." x4 fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "Debian-9 (Stretch) x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key" x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "RockyLinux 9 x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "Debian-11 (Bullseye) x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "CentOS-8 (stream) x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "CentOS-7 x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "CentOS-6 x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "RedHat-9 x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "RedHat-8 x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "RedHat-7 x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "Ubuntu 22.04 x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "Ubuntu 20.04 x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "Ubuntu 24.04 x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "Debian-10 (Buster) x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "Debian-12 (Bookworm) x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Public SSH key (server administrator)" "Operating system" "CentOS-9 (stream) x64" static "Insert the public part of your SSH key. This key is used to log in to the virtual server as root. Name and password logins are prohibited on virtual servers." textarea "SSH key " x4 ! fieldset "Windows licence" "Operating system" "Windows Server 2022 x64" static "The use of a custom Windows licence depends on the specific case and the multi-licence agreement that the organisation holds. CESNET can provide a Windows Server license to all academic institutions." yesno "Do I require Windows Server licenses?" "=Yes" "!No" password "First login password (the first time you log in, you will be forced to change it)" fieldset "Windows licence" "Operating system" "Windows Server 2016 x64" static "The use of a custom Windows licence depends on the specific case and the multi-licence agreement that the organisation holds. CESNET can provide a Windows Server license to all academic institutions." yesno "Do I require Windows Server licenses?" "=Yes" "!No" password "First login password (the first time you log in, you will be forced to change it)" fieldset "Windows licence" "Operating system" "Windows Server 2019 x64" static "The use of a custom Windows licence depends on the specific case and the multi-licence agreement that the organisation holds. CESNET can provide a Windows Server license to all academic institutions." yesno "Do I require Windows Server licenses?" "=Yes" "!No" password "First login password (the first time you log in, you will be forced to change it)" fieldset "Service provided" textarea "Brief description of the service hosted on the server" x4 select "Hosted service classification" "Production | Test | Backup" static "The information does not affect the server's functionality, it just allows administrators to properly route priorities when dealing with emergencies." fieldset "Criticality of the virtual machine and its services" "Hosted service classification" "Production" select "Availability Classification" "HA0 (default category, HA within a site) | HA1 (virtual server can be started from a semi-synchronous replica in a second site) | HA2 (maximum possible availability - Anycast)" static "Virtual servers are automatically protected against the failure of a single component within a single datacenter (HA0). If it is a major failure affecting the entire single datacenter, we are waiting for the issue to be resolved before starting. By selecting a higher category, you can skip/reduce this time." static "*HA1* (The server can be started from a semi-synchronous replica (or backup) in another location even with the risk of incomplete data. In the event that the affected site is restored to full operation after the servers are started in the other site, the servers will remain running from the restored data; reverting to the original data is no longer possible! This option is not suitable for servers with frequently changing data, e.g. DB)" static "*HA2* (maximum possible availability, there must be multiple instances in multiple sites that use a floating address and the service will be served by another system in case of failure)" select "Disaster recovery" "DR3 (in case of disaster, just recover in the last wave) | DR2 (in case of disaster, recover after all machines in DR1 category have recovered) | DR1 (in case of disaster, recover among the first)" static "This information will help us to better allocate our forces and get the most important systems up and running as soon as possible in the event of an emergency." fieldset "Network Security" select "IDS/IPS protection" "Yes | No" static "By default, the virtual server will be protected at the network level and will be placed behind the IDS/IPS Fortigate element. It is not suitable for data-intensive services. Please write any questions in the comments." fieldset "Organization requesting the virtual server" select "Virtual server owner" "virtual for CESNET internal needs | virtual for external organization" fieldset "Detail of organization requesting virtual server" "Virtual server owner" "virtual for CESNET internal needs" select "Oddělení provozující virtuální server" "700|701|702|703|704|705|706|707|708|709|710|711|712|713|H05|H06|S07|S071|S072|900|901|902|903|904|905|906|IoT" fieldset "Detail of the organization requesting the virtual server" "Virtual server owner" "virtual for external organization" static "Administrative contact (contact person responsible for the contractual and economic agenda)" textbox "Organisation name and address" textbox "Name (administrative contact)" ! textbox "Telephone number (administrative contact)" ! email "E-Mail (administrative contact)" ! date "Service start date" fieldset textarea "Additional comments/requests or additional services" x5 ! yesno "Do I agree to the Terms of Service of the virtualization platform?" "=Yes" "!No" fieldset "Finish" "Do I agree to the Virtualization Platform Terms of Service?" Action mail cesnet-virtual@cesnet.cz usemailtemplate zadost_formular_mailtemplate subject "Zadost o VM: @@Hostname@@" Thanks "Vaše žádost byla úspěšně odeslána." submit "Odeslat žádost" hiddenautoinc "PořadíŽádosti"